Eat the head of the flower.


i’m emily

Art is how I process the world around me. It allows me to reconcile my own existence and bring my dreams into the world. Making art is not a choice for me; it’s a compulsion. My goal is always to make imagery that you can’t help but feel, to remind us of and to help us understand our beautiful and complicated existence.

I am a sensitive soul, but laughing hard, running fast, dancing freely and being around the people I love are my absolute favourite things.

I bring my wildest dreams to life through cinematic photography and video. My work often revolves around a feeling of coming home, finding solace or some sort of resolution, even if the resolution is accepting the fact that nothing will change. My ideas lay somewhere on the edge of reality, occasionally teetering over, sometimes pulling back.

Wondering why I’m using bold like this for larger bodies of text? It’s a technique to help you scan quicker and keep neurodivergent brains engaged.

I’ll make as many excuses as I can to enjoy a long, lonesome train  ride.

Born and bred in Sheffield UK, I grew up with both raw city life & romantic landscapes and hold a love for them both. This dichotomy often plays out in my work as I flit between gritty, quirky ideas and ethereal dreamscapes.

I value emotion and honesty over technical perfection. My work features blur, grain & missed focus because that's how life feels to me; indiscernible and fleeting. I strive to embody feeling in everything I make. I'd much rather capture a spontaneous moment imperfectly & viscerally than miss it entirely.

favourite things

a few of my

This is an inclusive, anti-racist space. I will never refuse to work with anyone due to their background, race,  gender or sexual orientation.

My pledge

emily joan. Self portrait artist. Cinematic concept photographer uk.

creative photography mentor for sensitive, nostalgic artists.